Saturday, November 21, 2009

Sense of Place: Houston Lake 2

The previous post offered Houston Lake Country Club as an illustration of attributes that contribute to a palpable sense of place.

It's also the home of some truly world-class players of the game of golf.

Sissi Gann captained the Georgia team that won the 2009 United States Golf Association Women's Amateur Team Championship at Fort Wayne, Indiana.

USGA described the competition here.'s article is here.

Houston Lake club owner Chris Murman wrote of Sissi Gann, "She is passionate, intelligent, full of integrity and respected throughout Georgia as an excellent golfer and as an ambassador for the game of golf." And, "She has won the Houston Lake Women's Club Championship over 20 times and won her flight in the Georgia State Amateur Championship this year."

Chris Murman and Sissi Gann.

Sissi isn't new to the realities of competition. Her husband, Stan, was a Georgia Tech quarterback before becoming a successful High School coach for Houston County championship football teams.

Stan Gann.

Sissi explains details on the National Championship trophy to fellow Houston Lake members.

Along with celebration of Sissi Gann and her Georgia team's National Championship, the chilly November sunset drew a good before-dinner crowd to the terrace fire pit and blankets.

Click on photos for full size.